Howard Stern, Kurt Cobain, and Jack Nicholson are the three contemporary icons that I have chosen to write about. Howard Stern is a radio icon, while controversial in many ways and perceived to be chauvinistic and disgusting to many people, I believe him to be a very sentimental, kind person at heart. Kurt Cobain and Nirvana transcended an entire generation of young impressionable teens in the late 80's and early 90's. He will forever be the lasting image of the grunge era of music. Jack Nicholson's career has spanned over four decades; I believe that you would be hard-pressed to find anyone that did not recognize him, whether it is in a new movie or courtside at a Los Angeles Laker's game.
I chose these three men as my icons because I believe that they represent many different genres of people and I think that everyone knows who they are and what they represent as individuals.
I wake up every morning and listen to Howard Stern; his show helps me to get through my daily work. His witty humor and unique views on all things pop culture spanning from his thoughts on the latest television shows, to his interesting political views. I was in high school when Kurt Cobain and Nirvana busted onto the music scene. I was like many other kids that were my age that was yearning for something different and Seattle's grunge music scene provided just that outlet. Cobain's influence in modern music can still be heard to this day. Jack Nicholson has always been my favorite actor; he has played some of my favorite roles, roles that will be forever famous. He always seems to carry himself with a certain amount of arrogance that I would normally not like very much; however, he seems to be able to get away with it because he seems so cool. Even though he is getting older, he still seems to appeal to younger generations.
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